山东科弘微波能有限公司是集科、工、贸为一体,专业从事开发、生产微波能应用设备的高新技术企业,公司坐落于济南市槐荫区美里湖民营科技产业园内,占地5000?,是当前国内生产规模-大、技术实力雄厚、产品门类齐全、具有提升国际竞争能力的微波能设备专业制造家。本公司采用--先进技术按GMP、FDA标准,制造国内新一代“科弘”(KH)品牌915MHz、2450MHz两大系列40多种型号、规格的微波能应用设备(微波干燥设备、微波烘干机、微波杀菌设备)。为国内外的食品、 医药、化工、冶金等多个行业提供技术先进、质量可靠的高新技术设备…… Shandong Kehong Microwave Energy Co.,Ltd. is a hi-tech enterprise that is engaged in professional developing, producing and selling on microwave energy applying equipments, which is the biggest scale microwave energy equipments manufacturer in China now. Adopting world-advanced techniques and according to GMP and FDA standard we manufacture the local new generation “Kehong” (KH) brand 915 MHz and 2450 MHz two big series and more than 40 species models and specifications microwave energy applying equipments……

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