1. Warranty: The Sellers shall guarantee that the goods are made of good materials, with standard process, brand new, unused and correspond in all respects with the quality, specification and performance in conformity with the Quality Standard of Ingersoll-Rand Company. The Sellers shall also guarantee that the goods when correctly mounted and properly operated and maintained, and will give satisfactory performance for a period of 18 months starting from the date on which the goods leave the port of shipment or 12 months after start-up of air compressor, whichever occurs first.
2. Ingersoll-Rand has opened 800-820-2128 free service hotlines. Offer the technical support of compress the air system in time for you. It helps customer to deal with problems effectively within shortest time when the equipment breaks down. Various kinds of technological resources related to air system wait for you to share. And offer help in 24 hours of every day.
英格索兰公司开通了空压机行业**的800-820-2128 免费服务热线。为您及时提供压缩空气系统的技术支持,并在设备出现故障时能在**短的时间内得到及时的有效处理,及各种空气系统的技术资源等您分享。每天24小时提供帮助,我们会有专职的服务技师在半小时内给你们解答,并会根据需要安排服务工程师到现场为你们排除故障。
3. If user needs field service, after receiving user requirement notice for 4 hours, Ingersoll-Rand services person reached field.
4. Inspecting by Ingersoll-Rand or IR Distributor checking the system running situation and instructions for the well operation.