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【送广告布录音等等】 致力于云南野生天麻子的批发销售,相关产品的研究开发和生产,公司经过几年来的努力,已经发展壮大起来,
【 产品规格】每件100斤,一件起批。
朋友,你还在为没有生意而担忧吗?还在为找不到赚钱的好项目发愁吗?告诉你个好消息本公司推出的 云南天麻
子 的销售模式已经试地成功!经过多次试地,菜市场平均一个早上1200元以上, 展销会一天可以达到5000元左
右! 云南天麻子 营养丰富,味道鲜美,药用保健,食疗价值极高可以用来煲汤,炒菜,打豆浆等等深受广大顾客
1、天麻煮鸡蛋功效:医治头痛眼花配方制作:鲜天麻60克、鸡蛋3个、水1000克。先 将鲜天麻切片放
2、天麻、枸杞煮猪脑功效:对头昏头痛有1定的辅助医治作用。配方制作:鲜天麻100 克,枸杞子15
克,猪脑2副。将鲜天麻片、枸杞子加水文火煎1小时,放入洗净的猪脑 煮熟后食用。用法:逐日1次
We went up the narrow gravelled walk. On the benches on either side arrayed a mass of miserable and distorted humanity, the sight of which would have impelled Dore to more diabolical flights of fancy than he ever succeeded in achieving. It was a welter of rags and filth, of all manner of loathsome skin diseases, open sores, bruises, grossness, indecency, leering monstrosities, and bestial faces. A chill, raw wind was blowing, and these creatures huddled there in their rags, sleeping for the most part, or trying to sleep. Here were a dozen women, ranging in age from twenty years to seventy. Next a babe, possibly of nine months, lying asleep, flat on the hard bench, with neither pillow nor covering, nor with any one looking after it. Next half-a-dozen men, sleeping bolt upright or leaning against one another in their sleep. In one place a family group, a child asleep in its sleeping mother’s arms, and the husband (or male mate) clumsily mending a dilapidated shoe. On another bench a woman trimming the frayed strips of her rags with a knife, and another woman, with thread and needle, sewing up rents. Adjoining, a man holding a sleeping woman in his arms. Farther on, a man, his clothing caked with gutter mud, asleep, with head in the lap of a woman, not more than twenty-five years old, and also asleep.