在印度,有一种被称为“奇迹之树”的植物——辣木树,又称为鼓槌树,是多年生热带落叶乔木,全世界约有14个品种,较常食用的品种有以下三种:印度传统辣木(Moringa oleifera Lam.)、印度改良种辣木(印度 T.N.农业大学的改良种,早生且具高豆荚产量)和非洲辣木(原只产于冈比亚,肯亚图尔卡纳湖附近及埃塞俄比亚西南部)。辣木树龄约可达20年,树高可达7~12公尺,树干直径可达20~40公分,树皮为软木质,根有辛辣味,枝梢顶部交织形成2~3排羽状复叶。
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But the review in the ‘Morning Breakfast Table’ was the making of Lady Carbury’s book, as far as it ever was made. Mr Broune saw the lady
after the receipt of the letter given in the first chapter of this Tale, and was induced to make valuable promises which had been fully performed. Two
whole columns had been devoted to the work, and the world had been assured that no more delightful mixture of amusement and instruction had
ever been concocted than Lady Carbury’s ‘Criminal Queens.’ It was the very book that had been wanted for years. It was a work of infinite research
and brilliant imagination combined. There had been no hesitation in the laying on of the paint. At that last meeting Lady Carbury had been very soft,
very handsome, and very winning; Mr Broune had given the order with good will, and it had been obeyed in the same feeling.
And she had another ground for elation, which comforted her much, though elation from such a cause was altogether absurd. She had discovered
that her son had become a Director of the South Central Pacific and Mexican Railway Company. She must have known — she certainly did know —
that Felix, such as he was, could not lend assistance by his work to any company or commercial enterprise in the world. She was aware that there
was some reason for such a choice hidden from the world, and which comprised and conveyed a falsehood. A ruined baronet of five-and-twenty,
every hour of whose life since he had been left to go alone had been loaded with vice and folly — whose egregious misconduct warranted his
friends in regarding him as one incapable of knowing what principle is — of what service could he be, that he should be made a Director? But Lady
Carbury, though she knew that he could be of no service, was not at all shocked. She was now able to speak up a little for her boy, and did not
forget to send the news by post to Roger Carbury. And her son sat at the same Board with Mr Melmotte! What an indication was this of coming
辣木的种子和叶子中含有丰富的营养成分。孙林晴(L.S. Ching)等人于二零零一年发表,100克印度传统辣木的新鲜叶片中的维他命E含量约为9毫
克,干燥叶片中的含量约为16.2毫克。根据计算,只要三汤匙(约25克)的辣木叶干粉 就含有幼儿每日所需270%的维生素A,42%的蛋白质,125%的
钙,70%的铁及22%的维生素C。对怀孕和哺乳中的女性而言,辣木叶片和豆荚亦可帮 助本人及胎儿或婴儿维持健康,供给大量的铁质、蛋白质、铜、