发布时间:2013-03-15 09:57:20 编号:TK-12-424671 分享
·产品描述 Description 微型中心管式非金?俟饫|是??50μm?文;蚨嗄9饫w套入高模能量材料制成的松套管中,套管?忍畛?o毒,?o害的防水化合物,松套管外?合非金?偌??元件芳?或高??玻璃?,再?D制黑色或彩色高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)?套成?。 The fibers,250μm, either of single-mode or multimode type, are positioned in a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic. The tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. A layer of aramid yarn or high strength glass is applied around the cable core as additional strength member. Then, the cable is completed with a black or color HDPE sheath.