Watch the deflection correction methods
Deflection of watches also called polarization, commonly known as lame place, become warped foot place, by definition "deflection" refers to when the balance wheel static balance wheel disc nail deviating from the centerline of escapement is therefore to balance wheel at the time of oscillation, do not match the swing to the left and right, big and small, walking to table is a big and a small.
The deflection of the watch will mainly influence on the performance of the watch automatically start up, watch had stopped after winding, need to go to a lot of article issued, watch can begin walking; Some even must help shake to move.
Balance wheel studs of disk (also called impact hammer) must have a correct or accurate bearing installation, to ensure that the deflection of watch will not occur. When the watch assembly, double disc need to have an orientation, but also can ensure the position of a probably, also depend on the accurate calibration balance spring bearing adjustment.
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