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     会议期间,公布了“2015年度环境保护奖、2015年度节能减排突出贡献奖、2015年度环境责任奖”和“2015年度中国**绿色发展城市(区县、园区)”评选结果,并举行了颁奖仪式。   此前,环境保护年会已成功举办三届,作为环境保护领域的高端交流、




B、 二级生物接触氧化处理工艺均采用推流式生物接触氧化,其处理效果优于完全混合式或二级串联完全混合式生物接触氧化池。并比活性污泥池体积小,对水质的适应 性强,耐冲击负荷性能好,出水水质稳定,不会产生污泥膨胀。池中采用新型弹性立体填料,比表面积大,微生物易挂膜,脱膜,在同样有机物负荷条件下,对有机 物去除率高,能提高空气中的氧在水中溶解度。



   Recently, the Ministry of Environmental Protection informed the existence of EIA Engineer "anchored" behavior of the two EIA agencies and 4 relevant personnel to deal with the views. Verified by the Hunan provincial environmental protection department, Shenzhen Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Jingtai Rong environmental assessment engineer Hu law book is actually the Lengshuijiang Environmental Protection Bureau staff in. The the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Environmental Protection Bureau of verification, Ningxia Institute of Environmental Science (limited liability company) Zhang Jinlong, Mary, the EIA Engineer Lubing has not been on "anchored" personnel. According to the relevant provisions of the "quality management approach", the Ministry of environmental protection decided to rectification 6 months of the two institutions, the environmental impact report with 4 EIA engineers within 3 years shall not be used as the application for the qualification of the EIA Engineer, (table) for the host or the main staff, recorded in violation of the integrity of records. The Ministry of environmental protection requirements, the calculation on rectification from newspaper issued by the two institutions, the rectification of environmental impact report during the environmental protection administrative departments at all levels shall not accept the organization establishment (table) to apply for examination and approval, before the rectification has accepted the examination and approval department can continue to complete the examination and approval, shall be submitted to the full rectification rectification report to the environmental protection department of. The Ministry of environmental protection requirements, environmental protection departments at all levels should organize the Department held the EIA Engineer occupation qualification certificate personnel to carry out self-examination, the existence of "anchored" behavior of the staff will be ordered to handle the cancellation procedures. Guizhou's concern about the danger of hazardous waste transfer, dumping Henan event has the latest developments, 24 cases in Henan City Intermediate People's court held a public hearing. The official said that this is the first case involving China's inter provincial solid waste damage environmental public interest litigation. In June this year, Guizhou Tongren Copper Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the mercury Xin Xin Copper mercury industry company) and Inner Mongolia Yidong group Dongxing Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Dongxing chemical company) to reach an agreement, will be 785 thousand tons of waste mercuric chloride catalyst, from Inner Mongolia to Guizhou to pull recycling. On the way, a truck dumped 39 tons of waste in Henan County, Luoning, another truck carrying a ton of waste was cut off in Henan, the city of. This caused widespread concern in the community. 24, by the Henan province CSR Promotion Center v. copper industry company, Dongxing Xin mercury chemical company, Baoding Chemical Company Limited transport of dangerous goods transport and the transport company's two drivers, Mao Yanqiang van forestry environmental pollution liability dispute case, in Henan Province, Luoyang City Intermediate People's court held a public hearing. The public welfare organization according to the complaint, hazardous waste mercury catalyst of the company illegal dumping has serious harm to the environment, pollution on the surface, water, soil and air, drinking water, stacking site near the river, a serious threat to the surrounding environment pollution. Requesting the court to order the defendant to recover the damaged environment and compensate for all the economic losses caused by the illegal dumping of hazardous waste. The defendant, such as copper, mercury, and other companies have argued that the plaintiff does not have the subject qualification of the case, the defendant should not be liable. During the trial, the plaintiff submitted an environmental pollution assessment report issued by the expert team of the school of resources and environment, Henan Agricultural University. Environmental protection departments also testify in court, the relevant experts in t he case of environmental pollution assessment report on the contents of the description, and to accept the parties to ask. School of civil and commercial law, Henan University of Economics and Law, Chen Xiaojing believes that the process of handling the case highlights the status and role of the judiciary in the protection of the environment. She said, the environmental public interest litigation has significant preventive, does not necessarily have the fact of damage, as long as according to the reasonable judgment may make public infringement lawsuit by the violator can bear the corresponding legal responsibility. 2016 National Conference on environmental technology and application of information technology and Environmental Science Society of China branch of environmental information conference held on November 24~25, held in Beijing, the theme is Hui set data, wisdom collar environmental protection. The conference adopted the theme of the report, the peak forum dialogue, etc., the interpretation of national informatization development planning, discusses ecological environment construction of large data sharing, industry, local and research institutions in the field of environmental information the latest research and application results, accelerate the popularization and application of advanced technology and case, promote the cooperation of all parties. In recent years, the state attaches great imp ortance to the development of information technology, the implementation of innovation driven development strategy, network strategy, national data strategy, "Internet plus" action to make arrangements. The environmental protection department also attaches great importance to the informatization construction, Minister Chen Jining required to improve environmental quality as the core, the implementation of the most stringent environmental protection system, and constantly impro ve the environmental management system, scientific and legal, fine and the level of information. In March this year, the Ministry of environmental protection issued the overall plan for the construction of ecological environment data. Big data is opening up a new era, the current environment is currently in the process of information technology is in the process of strategic opportunity, but also a critical period of change." Wang Yuqing, chairman of the Chinese Academy of environ mental sciences. CPPCC National Committee, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of environmental protection Zhou also stressed that the construction of ecological environment data is an important means to promote the modernization of environmental governance systems and governance capacity. The ecological environment construction of big data to achieve the "data base management, to apply for the", thus becoming the basis of decision management, and judged the basis ". Reporters learned from the general assembly, the integration of ecological environment data has achieved initial success. Cheng Chunming, director of the information center of the Ministry of environmental protection, said in 2015 the in tegration of 15 systems, data 2 billion 600 million, table more than 3 thousand and 300, the realization of the dynamic update of the 11 categories of data. The next step will be based on the integration of data sharing, to promote the re arrangement and re-use of various t ypes of data, so that the data generate greater value. At the same time, we must establish a sense of service, the realization of the ecological environment of scientific decision-making, ecological and environmental regulation precision, convenience of the public service of ecological environment. During the meeting, held a total of five games forum, around the "information technology planning and 13th Five-Year outlook", "environmental information analysis model and algorithm technology", "environmental supervision and business information", "ecological environment of innovative big data applications, cloud technology and safety protection system" to carry out five major themes. At the same time, Congress has published "2016 national environmental information technology and application conference paper case set", included the research achievements over the past t wo years, environmental information management and technical personnel, including 50 papers and 52 case. And from the evaluation of the 8 outstanding cases and 6 outstanding papers, held a ceremony. In addition, science and technology has become a part of the general assembly. The face recognition attendance, lanseen provides business services, broadcast technology provides important support for the meeting. It is understood that in addition to the field of enviro nmental protection system, from all over the world, universities and Research Institute, environmental information enterprise environmental information more than 500 experts, scholars and technical personnel to participate in the General Assembly at the scene, 1500 people through the real-time live outside the technology involved in the general assembly. The conference in the guidance of information center of Ministry of environmental protection, sponsored by the Institute of Environmental Sciences Chinese environmental information branch and China Environmental Management Journal, IBM and Shenzhen city boanda information technology Limited by Share Ltd jointly sponsored.


  WSZ-A 型地埋式生活污水处理设备




























设计主要是针对生活污水和与之类似的工业有机污水的处理。其主要处理手段是采用目前较为成熟的生化处理技术——接触氧化法,水质参数按一般生活水水质,进水BOD 20Omg/l,出水BOD 20mg/l指标设计,总共有六部份组成:(1)初沉池;(2)接触氧化池;(3)二沉池;(4)消毒池、消毒装置;(5)污泥池;(6)风机房、风机;



(a)初沉池:地埋式生活污水处理设备的初沉池为竖流式沉淀池,污水在沉淀池的上升流速为0.6-0.7毫米/秒,沉淀下来的污泥用空气提至污泥池。(注:WSZ-A O.5-5m3/h不设初沉池) 
(b)接触氧化池:初沉后水自流至接触池进行生化处理,接触池分为三级,总停留时间为 1小时以上。加强型设备接触氧化时间可达6小时,填料为新颖梯形填料。易结膜、不堵塞。填料比表面积为160m2/m3,接触池气水比在12:1左右。(注WSZ-A 0.5-5T/h,接触池为二级)
(e)污泥池:初沉池、二沉池的所有污泥均用空气提至 WSZ-A的污泥池内进行好氧消化。污泥池的清液回流至接触氧化池内进行再处理。消化后剩余污泥很少,一般1-2年清理一次。清理方法可采用吸粪车从污泥池的检查孔伸入污泥底部,进行抽吸外运即可。(WSZ-A 0.5-5T/h,污泥采用厌氧消化) 

Recently, the Ministry of Environmental Protection informed the existence of EIA Engineer "anchored" behavior of the two EIA agencies and 4 relevant personnel to deal with the views. Verified by the Hunan provincial environmental protection department, Shenzhen Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Jingtai Rong environmental assessment engineer Hu law book is actually the Lengshuijiang Environmental Protection Bureau staff in. The the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Environmental Protection Bureau of verification, Ningxia Institute of Environmental Science (limited liability company) Zhang Jinlong, Mary, the EIA Engineer Lubing has not been on "anchored" personnel. According to the relevant provisions of the "quality management approach", the Ministry of environmental protection decided to rectification 6 months of the two institutions, the environmental impact report with 4 EIA engineers within 3 years shall not be used as the application for the qualification of the EIA Engineer, (table) for the host or the main staff, recorded in violation of the integrity of records. The Ministry of environmental protection requirements, the calculation on rectification from newspaper issued by the two institutions, the rectification of environmental impact report during the environmental protection administrative departments at all levels shall not accept the organization establishment (table) to apply for examination and approval, before the rectification has accepted the examination and approval department can continue to complete the examination and approval, shall be submitted to the full rectification rectification report to the environmental protection department of. The Ministry of environmental protection requirements, environmental protection departments at all levels should organize the Department held the EIA Engineer occupation qualification certificate personnel to carry out self-examination, the existence of "anchored" behavior of the staff will be ordered to handle the cancellation procedures. Guizhou's concern about the danger of hazardous waste transfer, dumping Henan event has the latest developments, 24 cases in Henan City Intermediate People's court held a public hearing. The official said that this is the first case involving China's inter provincial solid waste damage environmental public interest litigation. In June this year, Guizhou Tongren Copper Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the mercury Xin Xin Copper mercury industry company) and Inner Mongolia Yidong group Dongxing Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Dongxing chemical company) to reach an agreement, will be 785 thousand tons of waste mercuric chloride catalyst, from Inner Mongolia to Guizhou to pull recycling. On the way, a truck dumped 39 tons of waste in Henan County, Luoning, another truck carrying a ton of waste was cut off in Henan, the city of. This caused widespread concern in the community. 24, by the Henan province CSR Promotion Center v. copper industry company, Dongxing Xin mercury chemical company, Baoding Chemical Company Limited transport of dangerous goods transport and the transport company's two drivers, Mao Yanqiang van forestry environmental pollution liability dispute case, in Henan Province, Luoyang City Intermediate People's court held a public hearing. The public welfare organization according to the complaint, hazardous waste mercury catalyst of the company illegal dumping has serious harm to the environment, pollution on the surface, water, soil and air, drinking water, stacking site near the river, a serious threat to the surrounding environment pollution. Requesting the court to order the defendant to recover the damaged environment and compensate for all the economic losses caused by the illegal dumping of hazardous waste. The defendant, such as copper, mercury, and other companies have argued that the plaintiff does not have the subject qualification of the case, the defendant should not be liable. During the trial, the plaintiff submitted an environmental pollution assessment report issued by the expert team of the school of resources and environment, Henan Agricultural University. Environmental protection departments also testify in court, the relevant experts in t he case of environmental pollution assessment report on the contents of the description, and to accept the parties to ask. School of civil and commercial law, Henan University of Economics and Law, Chen Xiaojing believes that the process of handling the case highlights the status and role of the judiciary in the protection of the environment. She said, the environmental public interest litigation has significant preventive, does not necessarily have the fact of damage, as long as according to the reasonable judgment may make public infringement lawsuit by the violator can bear the corresponding legal responsibility. 2016 National Conference on environmental technology and application of information technology and Environmental Science Society of China branch of environmental information conference held on November 24~25, held in Beijing, the theme is Hui set data, wisdom collar environmental protection. The conference adopted the theme of the report, the peak forum dialogue, etc., the interpretation of national informatization development planning, discusses ecological environment construction of large data sharing, industry, local and research institutions in the field of environmental information the latest research and application results, accelerate the popularization and application of advanced technology and case, promote the cooperation of all parties. In recent years, the state attaches great imp ortance to the development of information technology, the implementation of innovation driven development strategy, network strategy, national data strategy, "Internet plus" action to make arrangements. The environmental protection department also attaches great importance to the informatization construction, Minister Chen Jining required to improve environmental quality as the core, the implementation of the most stringent environmental protection system, and constantly impro ve the environmental management system, scientific and legal, fine and the level of information. In March this year, the Ministry of environmental protection issued the overall plan for the construction of ecological environment data. Big data is opening up a new era, the current environment is currently in the process of information technology is in the process of strategic opportunity, but also a critical period of change." Wang Yuqing, chairman of the Chinese Academy of environ mental sciences. CPPCC National Committee, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of environmental protection Zhou also stressed that the construction of ecological environment data is an important means to promote the modernization of environmental governance systems and governance capacity. The ecological environment construction of big data to achieve the "data base management, to apply for the", thus becoming the basis of decision management, and judged the basis ". Reporters learned from the general assembly, the integration of ecological environment data has achieved initial success. Cheng Chunming, director of the information center of the Ministry of environmental protection, said in 2015 the in tegration of 15 systems, data 2 billion 600 million, table more than 3 thousand and 300, the realization of the dynamic update of the 11 categories of data. The next step will be based on the integration of data sharing, to promote the re arrangement and re-use of various t ypes of data, so that the data generate greater value. At the same time, we must establish a sense of service, the realization of the ecological environment of scientific decision-making, ecological and environmental regulation precision, convenience of the public service of ecological environment. During the meeting, held a total of five games forum, around the "information technology planning and 13th Five-Year outlook", "environmental information analysis model and algorithm technology", "environmental supervision and business information", "ecological environment of innovative big data applications, cloud technology and safety protection system" to carry out five major themes. At the same time, Congress has published "2016 national environmental information technology and application conference paper case set", included the research achievements over the past t wo years, environmental information management and technical personnel, including 50 papers and 52 case. And from the evaluation of the 8 outstanding cases and 6 outstanding papers, held a ceremony. In addition, science and technology has become a part of the general assembly. The face recognition attendance, lanseen provides business services, broadcast technology provides important support for the meeting. It is understood that in addition to the field of enviro nmental protection system, from all over the world, universities and Research Institute, environmental information enterprise environmental information more than 500 experts, scholars and technical personnel to participate in the General Assembly at the scene, 1500 people through the real-time live outside the technology involved in the general assembly. The conference in the guidance of information center of Ministry of environmental protection, sponsored by the Institute of Environmental Sciences Chinese environmental information branch and China Environmental Management Journal, IBM and Shenzhen city boanda information technology Limited by Share Ltd jointly sponsored.


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