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(会发光会说3句话) 会喊娘亲 爹地 会叫糖宝 会说我饿了
、 人生,苦辣酸甜一席间,岁月,清寡欢乐自清闲,活着,祸福同路,人生,苦乐随缘,坦然面对世事,才能安稳走过,淡然接受所有,才会患得患失,得势时不要不让人,有理时不要不饶人,有能时不要嘲笑人,太精明的人遭人厌,真诚不被人拒绝,唯良善不被人怨恨,心有阳光,自会生出心香一瓣,坦坦荡荡,自有悠然在握,简简单单,自然少烦少恨,人生,何需伪装太多,与人,不必刻意放低身段,生活,要的就是怡然自乐,有缘无缘,一切随缘,看轻,才会轻松,看浅,才能自在,看淡,才能愉悦,看开,才能豁达,看透,才能成熟,看懂,才能简单,太多的纠缠,不是不累,而是有太多的苦楚,太多的负累,心不静,则意乱,意乱,则神迷,清水无忧,皆因随性,落叶无憾,只因心空,放下所有的所有,阅一卷书,听一首曲,饮一盏茶,夜来赏夜,风来临风,梦来即梦,人生随意,生活简单,不去算计别人,不要悔低自己,清清白白做人,简简单单做事。
He was wasting away. Already when the child was born he seemed nothing but skin and bone and fixed idea. She watched him dying, nursed him, nursed the baby, but really took no notice of anything. A darkness was on her, like remorse, or like a remembering of the dark, savage, mystic ride of dread, of death, of the shadow of revenge. When her husband died, she was relieved. He would no longer dart about her.
England fitted her mood, its aloofness and foreignness. She had known a little of the language before coming, and a sort of parrot-mind made her pick it up fairly easily. But she knew nothing of the English, nor of English life. Indeed, these did not exist for her. She was like one walking in the Underworld, wher the shades throng intelligibly but have no connection with one. She felt the English people as a potent, cold, slightly hostile host amongst whom she walked isolated.
The English people themselves were almost deferential to her, the Church saw that she did not want. She walked without passion, like a shade, tormented into moments of love by the child. Her dying husband with his tortured eyes and the skin drawn tight over his face, he was as a vision to her, not a reality. In a vision he was buried and put away. Then the vision ceased, she was untroubled, time went on grey, uncoloured, like a long journey wher she sat unconscious as the landscape unrolled beside her. When she rocked her baby at evening, maybe she fell into a Polish slumber song, or she talked sometimes to herself in Polish. Otherwise she did not think of Poland, nor of that life to which she had belonged. It was a great blot looming blank in its darkness. In the superficial activity of her life, she was all English. She even thought in English. But her long blanks and darknesses of abstraction were Polish.
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