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(会发光会说3句话) 会喊娘亲 爹地 会叫糖宝 会说我饿了
、 坎坎坷坷人生路,风风雨雨红尘行,走在人生的路上,会有成功的欢愉,也会失败的伤痛,有晴朗碧蓝天空,也会有风雨泥泞,有鸟语花香熏陶,也会有没落风景,人生盈一份懂得,要学会浅淡而行,莲养心中爱珍藏,随遇而安就自得,花开四季情永在,明媚嫣然看天空,推开四季的门窗,春有春天的盎然,夏有夏季的绚丽,秋有秋天的丰盈,冬有冬天的蕴藏,流年就或浓或淡,是时光见证印记,一路变幻的岁月,风霜会或深或浅,就当生命的厚重,一路镌刻走人生,花有荣枯的谢落,人有起浮的岁月,那些散落在冷暖,终究被时光沉淀,总有那么一个人,在千万人之中想,你不早不晚相遇,于平淡中相守中,于风雨中会相扶,于光阴中会相伴,知你冷暖懂你心,懂你悲欢知你情,爱你所爱随你意,想你所想真红颜,会包容你的缺点,能容忍你的任性,寂寞时候陪伴你,伤心时候给安慰,共撑人生一把伞,共享那一米阳光,把爱融入了时光,把情融入你生命,给与你入心的暖,生命中有些风景,能安着风雨同心,欣赏你点点滴滴,意想不到的美丽,放松自己的心情,谋事在人要积极,成事在天多努力。
At home, even so near as Cossethay, was the vicar, who spoke the other, magic language, and had the other, finer bearing, both of which she could perceive, but could never attain to. The vicar moved in worlds beyond wher her own menfolk existed. Did she not know her own menfolk: fresh, slow, full-built men, masterful enough, but easy, native to the earth, lacking outwardness and range of motion. wheras the vicar, dark and dry and small beside her husband, had yet a quickness and a range of being that made Brangwen, in his large geniality, seem dull and local. She knew her husband. But in the vicar’s nature was that which passed beyond her knowledge. As Brangwen had power over the cattle so the vicar had power over her husband. What was it in the vicar, that raised him above the common men as man is raised above the beast? She craved to know. She craved to achieve this higher being, if not in herself, then in her children. That which makes a man strong even if he be little and frail in body, just as any man is little and frail beside a bull, and yet stronger than the bull, what was it? It was not money nor power nor position. What power had the vicar over Tom Brangwen-none. Yet strip them and set them on a desert island, and the vicar was the master. His soul was master of the other man’s. And why-why? She decided it was a question of knowledge.
The curate was poor enough, and not very efficacious as a man, either, yet he took rank with those others, the superior. She watched his children being born, she saw them running as tiny things beside their mother. And already they were separate from her own children, distinct. Why were her own children marked below the others? Why should the curate’s children inevitably take precedence over her children, why should dominance be given them from the start? It was not money, nor even class. It was education and experience, she decided.
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(会发光会说3句话) 会喊娘亲 爹地 会叫糖宝 会说我饿了
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