A pump is a machine for conveying fluid or making a liquid. It transmits the mechanical energy or other external energy of the original to the liquid, which increases the energy of the liquid.
Pump is mainly used to transport water, oil, acid and alkali, emulsion, suspension emulsion and liquid metal and other liquid, but also transport liquid, gas mixture and liquid containing suspended solids. Pump can be divided into three types of pump, power type and other type of pump.
In addition to classification by the principle of work, but also by other methods of classification and nomenclature. Such as according to the driving method can be divided into the electric pump and the turbine pump; according to the structure can be divided into single - stage pumps and multi-stage pump; according to use can be divided into the boiler feed pump and the metering pump; may divided into the pump, the oil pump and the mud pump according to the transportation properties of the liquid. In accordance with the structure of the shaft can be divided into linear pump, and traditional pump.