'Come down, animal, till I speak to you.' The noise of the machineagain prevented Julien from hearing this order. His father who hadstepped down not wishing to take the trouble to climb up again on to themachine, went to find a long pole used for knocking down walnuts, andstruck him on the shoulder with it. No sooner had Julien reached theground than old Sorel, thrusting him on brutally from behind, drove himtowards the house. 'Heaven knows what he's going to do to me!' thoughtthe young man. As he passed it, he looked sadly at the mill lade intowhich his book had fallen; it was the one that he valued most of all, theMemorial de Sainte-Helene.
Mademoiselle de La Mole found him taller and paler. There was nolonger anything provincial about his figure or his attire; not so with hisconversation: this was still perceptibly too serious, too positive. In spiteof these sober qualities, and thanks to his pride, it conveyed no sense ofinferiority; one felt merely that he still regarded too many things as important. But one saw that he was a man who would stand by his word.
'I must tell this woman that I love her.'
'As you please; but observe that there is no hope of success, for a manof our cloth, except through the great nobles. With that indefinable element (at least, I cannot define it), which there is in your character, if youdo not succeed you will be persecuted; there is no middle way for you.
Julien no longer thought of his dark ambition, nor of his plans thatwould be so difficult of execution. For the first time in his life, he wascarried away by the power of beauty. Lost in a vague and pleasantdream, so foreign to his nature, gently pressing that hand which pleasedhim as an example of perfect beauty, he gave a divided attention to therustle of the leaves of the lime, stirred by the gentle night breeze, and tothe dogs at the mill by the Doubs, barking in the distance.