发布时间:2018-04-19 18:00:45  点击:0
浙江塑壳断路器厂家,特价供应三菱全系产品断路器三菱塑壳断路器NV800-HEW现货供应。乐清市精优电气有限公司是乐清市专业生产高低压电器的企业。技术力量雄厚,检测设备齐全,产品已经通过国家质量认证中心CCC认证,ISO9001:2000认证,我们的优势是报价快!供货速度快!价格最低!产品型号最全!质量有保证!24小时服务电话0577-27773343 手机:18658768855 欢迎来电咨询采购! 欢迎来电咨询采购!

本公司专业生产代理销售各类进口及品牌电器: ABB,施耐德,LG, 西门子,欧姆龙,三菱,富士,金钟穆勒,士林,台安,菲尼克斯,常熟开关,上海华通,上海人民电器厂,光洋编码,上海精益,TCL,天水二一三,上海二工,江阴长江、正泰,德力西,天正,中国人民,长城,环宇,华通,宝光,大江控股,欣灵电气、等知名品牌,以及--柳市特价电器、OEM 贴牌加工等, 公司始终坚持诚信为本、服务至上的原则而长立足于“中国电器之都”乐清市柳市镇,我们热,诚欢迎各界宾朋莅临指导!



精优电气产品优势简介保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。主营产品: 小型断路器系列 交流接触器系列 万能式断路器系列 塑壳断路器系列 低压电器全系列 双电源系列 仪器仪表系列 建筑电器系列 高压电器系列 KBO控制与保护系列刀开关系列 按钮指示灯系列 电力金具系列 变频器、软启动系列 电机保护器系列 电流互感器系列 变压器系列 户内户外高压真空断路器系列 火灾监控系列 继电器系列 批发的价格,真正做到薄利多销让利给客户。 

NF30-CS型号  额定电流(A)  
NF30-CS 3.510.15.20.30 、NF63-CW
NF125-CW 、NF250-CW
NF400-CW 250.300.350.400 、NF630-CW 500.600.360、 NF800-CEW 400-800可调

NF160-SW 125.150.160、 NF160-SGW RT 125-160可调 、NF160-SGW RE 80-160可调
NF250-SGW RE 125-250可调、 NF400-SW 250.300.350.400、 NF400-SEW 200-400可调
NF630-SW 500.600.630、 NF630-SEW 300-630可调 、NF800-SEW 400-800可调
NF100-SEW 500-1000可调、 NF1250-SEW 600-1250可调 、NF1600-SEW 800-1600可调

NF250-SW、 NF250-SGW RT 125-160.160-250可调

NF63-SW 、NF125-SW

NF125-SGW RT 16-25.25-40.40-63.63-100.80-125可调、 NF125-SGW RE 16-32.32-63.63-100.75-125可调 

NF63-HW 、NF125-HW
NF160-HW 125.150.160 NF160-HGW RT 125-160可调、 NF160-HGW RE 80-160可调
NF250-HW 、NF250-HGW RT 125-160.160-250可调 、NF250-HGW RE 125-250可调
NF400-HEW 200-400可调 、NF630-HEW 300-630可调 、NF800-HEW 400-800可调

NF125-HGW RT 16-25.25-40.40-63.63-100.80-125可调、 NF125-HGW RE 16-32.32-63.63-100.75-125可调.

塑壳断路器也被称为装置式断路器,所有的零件都密封于塑料外壳中,辅助触点,欠电压脱扣器以及分励脱扣器等多采用模块化。由于结构非常紧凑,塑壳断路器基本无法检修。其多采德力西塑壳断路器用手动操作,大容量可选择电动分合。由于电子式过电流脱扣器的应用,塑壳断路器也可分为A类和B类两种,B类具有良好的三段保护特性,但由于价格因素,采用热磁式脱扣器的A类产品的市场占有率更高。 塑壳断路器是将触头、灭弧室、脱扣器和操作机构等都装在一个塑料外壳内,一般不考虑维修,适用于作支路的保护开关,过电流脱扣器有热磁式和电子式两种,一般热磁式塑壳断路器为非选择性断路器,仅有过载长延时及短路瞬时两种保护方式,电子式塑壳断路器有过载长延时、短路短延时、短路瞬时和接地故障四种保护功能。部分电子式塑壳断路器新推出的产品还带有区域选择性连锁功能。大多数塑壳断路器为手动操作,也有部分带电动机操作机构。



三菱塑壳断路器NV800-HEW三菱机电英文概述:Tokyo, October 27, 2009 ? Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TYO: 6503) announced today it has developeda 12.1-inch XGA color TFT-LCD module that is approximately 10% smaller in size with a reduced framewidth compared to its previous model. The new AA121XL01 offers super high brightness (up to 1,000cd/m2) and longer backlight life thanks towhite light emitting diodes (LED), and is inverter-less. Theseimprovements are expected to help reduce size and weight of portable data terminals and other displaymonitors for POS systems which incorporate the new model.The product will be available beginning February 1, 2010 through Mitsubishi Electric’s sales sitesin Japan, Europe, China, Korea, andTaiwan. Incorporating the technologies used in the AA121XL01, Mitsubishi Electric also intends to expandits lineup of smaller TFT-LCD modules to further meet customer needs. The cost per unit in Japan will be52,500 yen, including consumption tax.Background:In recent years, TFT-LCD modules have been widely used in a variety of applications and environments.Store or warehouse inventory management and factory processing management often relies on POS systemswith information display monitors as well as portable data terminals, which interpret digital pen movements.These applications in particular need TFT-LCD modules that are compact and maintain high brightness toensure high optical performance.Main Product Features:1) 10% smaller size and 20% less thickness helps reduce size and weight of portable data terminals andother display monitors for POS systemsWithout changing the 12.1-inch size of the active area, Mitsubishi Electric has reduced the module size from280.0mm (W) x 210.0mm (H) x 12.0mm (D) to 260.5mm (W) x 203.0mm (H) x 9.7mm (D), which is。TOKYO, December 5, 2017 ? Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) and the University of Tokyoannounced today that they believe they are the first to quantify the impacts of three electron-scatteringmechanisms for determining the resistance of silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductor devices in powersemiconductor modules. They have found that resistance under the SiC interface can be reduced by two-thirdsby suppressing electron scattering by the charges, a discovery that is expected to help reduce energyconsumption in power equipment by lowering the resistance of SiC power semiconductors.Going forward, Mitsubishi Electric will continue refinindesignandspecifications of its SiC metal-oxidesemiconductorfield-effect transistor (SiC MOSFET) to further lower the resistance of SiC powersemiconductor devices. This research achievement was initially announced at TheInternational ElectronDevices Meeting (IEDM2017) in San Francisco, California on December 4 (PST).The impact that charges and atomic vibration have on electron scattering under the SiC interface was revealedto be dominant in Mitsubishi Electric’s analyses of fabricated devices. Electron scattering focusing on atomicvibration was measured using technology from the University of Tokyo. Although it has been recognized thatelectron scatting under the SiC interface is limited by three factors, namely, the roughness of the SiC interface,the charges under the SiC interface and the atomic vibration (see Fig. 1), the contribution of each factor hadbeen unclear. A planar-type SiC-MOSFET in which electrons conduct away from the SiC interface to aroundseveral nano meters was fabricated to confirm the impact of the charges. As a result, Mitsubishi Electric andthe University of Tokyo achieved an unprecedented confirmation that the roughness of the SiC interface haslittle effect while charges under the SiC interface and atomic vibration are dominant factors (see Fig. 2). 2/2Compared with a previous planar-type SiC-MOSFET device, resistance was reduced by two thirds owing tosuppression of electron scattering, which was achieved by making the electrons conduct away from the chargesunder the SiC interface. The previous planar-type device used for comparison has the same interface structureas that of the SiC-MOSFET fabricated by Mitsubishi Electric.For the test, Mitsubishi Electric handled the design, fabrication and analysis of the resistance-limiting factorsand the University of Tokyo handled the measurement of electron-scattering factors.BackgroundPower equipment used in home electronics, industrial machinery, trains, etc. requires a combination ofmaximized efficiency and minimized size. Mitsubishi Electric is accelerating use of SiC power semiconductordevices for power semiconductor modules, which are key components in power equipment. SiC power,semiconductor devices offer lower resistance than conventional Si power semiconductor devices, so to furtherlower their resistance it is important to understand the characteristics of the resistance under the SiC interfacecorrectly. Until now, however, it had been difficult to separately measure resistance-limiting。


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