哪里回收agilent N6781A-N6785A-收购二手
发布时间:2016-08-24 09:40:10 产品编号:GY-5-96480781  分享
信息标签:哪里回收agilent N6781A-N6785A-收购二手,供应,二手设备转让,二手仪器仪表

哪里回收agilent N6781A-N6785A-收购二手仪器仪表

卖仪器/买仪器上百度/谷歌 搜索【深圳市华盛电子仪器】15907696558[手机/微信/QQ](24小时热线)

agilent N6781A-N6785A回收,您正在搜索回收二手安捷伦 N6781A-N6785A电源模块的商家,那您不妨考虑下我公司,我公司秉持着“专业”“高价”“现金”“诚信”四大交易保障,在寻找回收二手仪器的公司时,您肯定需要“价比三家”虔诚的希望您能把我公司纳入您的考虑当中,您来电咨询,我们会给您一个满意的回复!


联    系    人: 曹先生             联    系    人: 陈小姐

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地址:深圳市宝安区西乡街道 银田工业区雍启商务大厦B410


N6781A 2-Quadrant Source/Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis, 20 V, ±1 A or 6 V, ±3 A, 20 W

Key Features & Specifications

Output Ratings:

  • Voltage: Up to 20 V
  • Current: Up to ±3 A
  • Power: 20 W

Programming Accuracy (at 23°C ± 5°C after 30 minute warm-up. Applies from min. to max. program):

  • Voltage, 20 V range: 0.025% + 1.8 mV
  • Voltage, 6 V range: 0.025% + 600 µV
  • Current, 3 A and 1 A ranges: 0.04% + 300 µA
  • Current, 300 mA range: 0.03% + 150 µA

Transient Response:

  • < 30 mV of droop in response to 0.15A / µs current transients

Measurement Accuracy (at 23°C ± 5°C):

  • Voltage, 20 V range: 0.025% + 1.2 mV*
  • Current, 3 A range: 0.03% + 250 µA*
  • Current, 100 mA range: 0.025% + 10 µA*
  • Current, 10 µA range: 0.025% + 8 nA


*Supports Seamless Measurement Ranging

The Agilent N6781A is a source/measure unit (SMU) designed specifically for the task of battery drain analysis. Whether the device-under-test (DUT) is an e-Book reader, MP3 player, mobile phone, or pacemaker, the N6781A’s seamless measurement ranging, programmable output resistance, and auxiliary DVM combine to be the best set of advanced features on the market for battery drain analysis. When used with the 14585A Control and Analysis software, the N6781A becomes an even more powerful battery drain analysis solution, offering additional insights into your measurements. Learn more about the 14585A Control and Analysis software.

*Agilent patented feature: Seamless Measurement Ranging

Seamless measurement ranging eliminates the challenges of measuring dynamic currents. With seamless measurement ranging, engineers can precisely measure dynamic currents without any glitches or disruptions to the measurement. As the current drawn by the DUT changes, the SMU automatically and instantaneously detects which current measurement ranges will return the most precise measurement and changes to that range seamlessly. When combined with the SMU´s built-in 18-bit digitizer, seamless measurement ranging enables unprecedented effective vertical resolution of 28-bits. This provides unrivaled productivity gains and insights into power consumption by enabling engineers to see the complete current waveform they have never seen before, from nA to A, in one pass and one picture.

Battery Drain Video: Seamless Measurement Ranging on the N6781A

Other features and benefits of the N6781A:

  • Glitch-free sourcing and measurement ? change output and measurement ranges without any glitches
  • 2-quadrant operation ? perform as a voltage or current source or as a CV or CC electronic load
  • Four current measurement ranges ? precisely capture the current levels of the DUT during different modes of operation
  • Excellent transient response ? keep voltage or current stable during high-speed load changes
  • Fast modulation of DC ? create waveforms up to 100 kHz to stimulate or load down the DUT
  • High-speed digitized measurements ? capture/view the power consumption of the DUT up to every 5 µs with built-in 200 kHz digitizer

Other N6700 SMUs:

  • N6782A 2-Quadrant Source/Measure Unit for Functional Test
  • N6784A 4-Quadrant General-Purpose Source/Measure Unit

This module is used in both the small, multiple output 1U high N6700 Low-Profile Modular Power System (for ATE systems) and the multiple output N6705 DC Power Analyzer (for bench testing). GPIB, LAN, USB, and LXI Class C compliance are standard. Select from more than 20 different DC power modules, ranging in capability from basic to high precision, and in power from 20 - 300 W.

本司主要回收、供应:手机综合测试仪、蓝牙测试仪、网络分析仪、频谱分析仪、信号源信号发生器、示波器、功率计、频率计、误码仪、LCR电桥、电源、数据采集仪、噪声系数分析仪、多用表校准仪、万用表、天馈线测试仪安立、温度记录仪、逻辑分析仪、红外热像仪、色彩分析仪、阻抗测试治具及附件、衰减器 、光纤熔接机、光谱仪等**名牌产品

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地址:深圳市宝安区西乡街道 银田工业区雍启商务大厦B410
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