发布时间:2017-10-24 21:20:09  点击:0






  watch when the battery

  1, general pointer type quartz watch a two second jump lattice, that battery power is exhausted. Digital display of the electronic table will be used to display the way flashing display board fast depletion. The general diving table in the replacement of the table battery, because it is necessary to make a waterproof test, it takes about two weeks to replace the time.

  2, the battery life, depends on the movement of the battery capacity and the entire movement of the size of the current consumption (that is, the size of the power consumption). Some batteries can be used for a year, some can be used for two years, and some can be used for three to five years.


  battery may know through the following table: see quartz analog watch second hand skipping. Look at liquid crystal display digital electronic table flash. Look at the quartz electronic watch pointer hand skipping. Normal pointer type electronic quartz watch second hand, should jump once per second for two seconds, if there is a jump phenomenon, is the need to replace the battery forecast.

  table battery life quartz watch requires regular replacement of batteries. Table battery life ranging from one year to ten years, in order to avoid sudden no electricity, the general quartz table will be in the 1~10 days before the notice. Although the battery is no electricity, the table will continue to go, but it is recommended to replace the battery as soon as possible. General pointer type quartz watch a two second jump lattice, that battery power is exhausted.

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