发布时间:2017-10-24 21:18:04  点击:0





  Cleaning steps

  1, the watch case with table glass installation place, the casing on frame and back cover joint product have bristle brush to brush in addition to dirt when available. Casing on box and the dirt from the back cover of threads with willow bar shave, rust spots available needle along the thread picking, the grip in the adhesion of oil still stuck between with willow tong, after removal of threads and the grip in the silicon to refill some fat.

  2, table glass surface and the back cover, the inner surface available humidity appropriate special cleaning solution to wipe the qing, when we have fiber content available to blow blow out dust ball. Whose hands should not be soaked in gasoline, luminous clamps or blowing brush to beware of noctilucent powder flake. In whose hands the other gold-plated, silver gasoline on the fur before washing gently around a few times can increase the loss of the smoothness of the needle. Besides enamel dial, currently use more luminous surface, silver, gold, literal ShanGuangMian and color face dial is unfavorable and baptism in the gasoline, or protective film will clear desquamate, fractional line will fall off. If table disk of dust and fiber content available blowing dust ball and soft brush to brush.

  3, spots on the dial and the color is unfavorable use flannel wipe brush, more can't stuck between hard scrubbing hard, or you will make the disk suffused with copper and affect beautiful. The dial on the back of the flannelette to dip some petrol wipe brush dirties available. Clean dial table disk should be brought up to place, avoid by all means is mixed with other parts, and then cover with dust cap to protect it.

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