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  陶瓷手表好吗,高科技陶瓷手表有着如此多的优点,难道就找不出任何缺陷了吗? 某著名表厂的负责人曾经透露,他们厂之所以没有大张旗鼓地使用高科技陶瓷(目前仅限于制造表圈) ,是因为高科技陶瓷在技术上还有几个问题没有解决,比如说它的“亲油性”,大家可能已经留意到,高科技陶瓷一旦沾上油就很难处理,擦是擦不干净,总不能用洗涤灵洗吧;再就是它的质感和色泽仍旧比较单一,难以切割打磨,也限制了手表的款式,无法像钢表和金表那样——各种色泽,各种棱角曲线,各种拉丝抛光处理都随心所欲。


  陶瓷手表好吗,让我们一起来看下成功的典例。钻石手表高科技陶瓷,它是以二氧化锆为主的矿物粉末 (粉末颗粒直径不足1 微米)在1500°C 左右的高温中烧结而成。它和中国传统的陶瓷制品一样,具有稳定的物理和化学性质,防水防高温防褪色抗腐蚀,且表面温润无瑕,能够散发柔美的自然光泽。

  how to make high-tech ceramic watch to work longer, not easy problems, the key point is to understand the maintenance methods in the daily use of the. Maintenance method of ceramic watch has a unique style, we must remember the following maintenance method.

  The characteristics of

  tungsten carbide hard alloy, high-tech ceramics, sapphire glass material is of high hardness, wear resistance, the material of the watch after long-term wear appearance can keep clean. But on the day of summer, often outdoor sports, such as careless collision, will happen to scratch the appearance of the appearance of the phenomenon.

  ceramic watch maintenance:

  1 in the summer before playing and other sports, should take down the watch. The bending strength and impact toughness of these high hardness materials are not as high as those of stainless steel. So try to avoid hitting, hitting, or falling on the hard ground.

  2 usually can use a small brush dipped in a toothbrush to gently brush watch, remove stains.

  ceramic watch please, high-tech ceramic watch has the advantages of so many, do not find any defects? The person in charge of a famous factories have said they did not use the factory put up a pageantry of high-tech ceramics (currently only for manufacturing table circle), to solve several problems without high-tech ceramics in the technology, such as its "lipophilic," you may have noticed, high-tech ceramics once stained with oil is hard to handle, rub rub not clean, not with detergent to wash it again; it is the texture and color is still relatively simple, it is difficult to cut, but also limits the watch style no, like steel and gold watch that various color, various kinds of angular curve drawing polishing treatment are arbitrary.

  but the person in charge of the table is also very sure that high-tech ceramics is the future of the watch. They also put a lot of manpower and resources in the development of high-tech ceramics, what time can solve the above two problems, what time can completely replace the stainless steel, rather than as they are now more used to make local decoration.

  ceramic watch, let us look at the example of success. Comcast Ladies Diamond Watch high-tech ceramic table, it is with two mineral powder of zirconia based (particle diameter less than 1 microns) at high temperature about 1500 DEG C in sintering. It China and traditional ceramic products, with stable physical and chemical properties, high temperature resistant and corrosion resistant waterproof and anti fading, and the surface is moist and flawless, can radiate gentle natural luster.

  目前,在全国拥有上百家实体终端,覆盖北京、上海、广州、深圳、南京、杭州等国内一线城市。 超过2200件钟表作品,可以划分为两部分,从1500年至1850年的古董收藏和百达翡丽作品集成都欧米茄哪里有回收的合,不仅包括几乎有史以来发布的百达翡丽所有作品---从他们各种纪念款以及特款---也有一些令人成都欧米茄哪里有回收的印象深刻的小亨利·格雷夫斯的时计,超级复杂款“Regla公爵”,Calibre 89和特别展览的所有作品纪[url=]2 (57)[/url]-[url=]2 (31)[/url]-[url=]2 (75)[/url]-[url=]2 (12)[/url]-

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