发布时间:2017-10-11 21:10:59  点击:0
聊城欧米茄回收中心-咨询电话:156-5244-7333(可微信)聊城欧米茄回收中心 上门回收店中国奢侈品领导品牌,服务地区:北京 、上海、广州、杭州、深圳、沈阳、南京、长春、哈尔滨、太原、成都、西安、 天津、 南昌 、重庆、武汉 、郑州、济南、苏州、石家庄、长沙、合肥、贵阳、福州、兰州、昆明、乌鲁木齐 等等聊城欧米茄回收中心

  入手一枚精致腕表令你爱不释手的同时别忘记时刻提防生活中处处存在的会令它受伤甚至毁灭的 “因子”。




  with a delicate watch that you love and don't forget to watch the injured will make it even destroy "factor exists everywhere in life". Compare the following six destroyed table Dafa, see you caught

  a watch is not far away from the bag or belt buckle


  whether mechanical or quartz watches watches, are afraid of magnetic field. For mechanical watches, because most of the core components are made of steel, susceptible to magnetic field interference. If the watch is close to the strong magnetic field near the core of gossamer is magnetized thus affecting the walking speed. But if the magnetic field is quartz watch, because the internal quartz movement and a stepping motor, from the magnetic field, the rotor will stop at a fixed position, so as to reflect the second stop and go.














  watch appears to travel when the deviation is because of the magnetic it? If you are a strong magnetic, only need to buy a compass, close to the watch, if the compass deflection, it shows the watch by the magnetic. If the watch is magnetized, shall be sent to the professional repair of degaussing with special instruments.

  two, a waterproof watch the sauna or participate in ice bucket challenge

  waterproof watches usually have greater than or equal to 30M (that is, 3 levels of air pressure) level of waterproof performance, but even the ordinary diving table, but also refers to the water at room temperature, the ability to.

  when subjected to large temperature changes, such as wearing a sauna or the impact of ice water, will affect the normal life of the watch. High temperature lubricating oil, not only quickly spread loss, will be oxidized, thus losing lubrication; sudden temperature changes, such as a sudden ice water stimulation, the air inside the table will be prone to condensation, fog over at the same time, waterproof apron watches in thermal expansion and contraction of the role is also easy to accelerate the aging effect of waterproof watch.

  three, watches never go to professional maintenance point maintenance

  mechanical watches and cars, the use of a certain period of time after the need for professional maintenance, in order to ensure that the lubrication between machinery parts and smooth transmission. The general mechanical watches, every 3-5 years to watch professional maintenance point oil, waterproof apron series for maintenance. If it is a diving table, it is recommended to maintain once every 2 years. Individual brand and technology watch can prolong the maintenance period, for example, the word brand sealing technology, the word brand coaxial technology can guarantee the long time operation, so the brand brand word word 7-8} and {coaxial maintenance once a year.

  four, mistakenly thought that the sapphire table mirror never wear

  Made of

  watch on sapphire crystal mirror is not natural sapphire, but by the fine alumina powder as raw materials, in certain degrees centigrade temperature of furnace forming sapphire crystal, after countless procedure to watch made of pure sapphirine crystal, with anti abrasion and anti erosion effect. The hardness of sapphire crystal mirror Morse 9 only diamonds, equivalent to seven times of steel. Sapphire crystal mirror surface hardness is so high does not mean that it will never wear, but not easy to wear. Special attention should be paid to the diamond, stone, sand, nail file, granite surface, concrete walls and the wear process, in order to avoid scratching the surface. Especially in the verification of its hardness, it is not recommended to use destructive behavior (such as friction surface, glass, etc.) to confirm the performance of the table mirror.

  five, when the watch is idle, do not adhere to the spring or remove the battery

  for a long time without the use of mechanical watches, should be cleaned after the collection up, in order to prevent the internal oil dry, idle should also be a spring 1-2 times each month, so that the watch to keep good operation.

  for a long time does not use the quartz watch (the so-called long term is beyond the validity of the battery), it is recommended to watch the professional repair point, the battery out. This is because the quartz watches are basically using silver oxide battery is not in use, even if the condition (such as storage) will self discharge, the higher the temperature self discharge rate is greater. After the battery is no electricity, prone to the problem of alkali and leakage, this phenomenon is very similar to ordinary dry batteries. The leakage liquid has the very strong corrosion, will have the huge harm to the quartz watch's circuit board.

  six, do not wash often watch appearance parts caused by sweat corrosion

  The most commonly used material for stainless steel

  watch, which consists primarily of nickel and chromium, nickel, chromium and other elements susceptible to acid alkali corrosion. The human body discharges sweat contains hydrochloric acid composition, wearing a watch, if often sweat contact or allow the alkali salt buildup dirt and not timely cleaning, watchband etc will slowly appear to be signs of corrosion. A simple approach is to use a soft toothbrush dipped in detergent scrub gently with a soft cloth, but for the sake of insurance, it is recommended to professional maintenance of ultrasonic cleaning equipment.

  目前,在全国拥有上百家实体终端,覆盖北京、上海、广州、深圳、南京、杭州等国内一线城市。 1851年,百达公司正式易名为百达翡丽公司 安东尼·百达与简·翡丽的合作可聊城欧米茄回收中心谓珠联璧合安东尼·百达对艺术有很深的造诣,倾向唯美主义,在钟表制作上追求完美聊城欧米茄回收中心与高境界简·翡丽则是一位天赋的设计师、发明家这种结合,决定了百达翡丽钟表走的是外观[url=]2 (87)[/url]-[url=]2 (17)[/url]-[url=]2 (98)[/url]-[url=]2 (72)[/url]-

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