发布时间:2017-10-31 15:08:21 产品编号:GY-5-173239747  分享



Frost和沙利文据全球**调查机构预测,2025年,全球智能表计安装总数将达到8500万只,而欧洲市场将成为主力。究其原因,主要源于欧洲力度日趋加大,对公用事业机构在非技术损益、账单和新能源产品应用方面提出了更多要求,这些要求能够有效促进欧洲智能表计市场的增长。与此同时,因为市场竞争和商业化加速,而产品创新不足,使得市场上的主要玩家,如兰吉尔、Itron、威胜和海兴等表计企业只能追逐价格差异策略来提供更加完善的技术解决方案。这样的价格竞争还会继续,尤其是表计企业可能遭遇的本土市场今明两年暂时搁浅后,对于海外市场的野心。报告中预测,欧洲有望在2020年成为全球智能表计的大市场,亚洲紧随其后。其中英国、法国、德国、澳大利亚和西班牙为智能表计产品应用的主力,以匹配这些和地域对于智能表计安装政策和法规的强制性要求有望成为亚洲智能表计的主力市场,预计2015 - 2025年安装量为250万只在智能表计方面,非洲市场预计会继续拖后腿,公用事业公司发力点依然在基础计量的建设,如预付费表。虽然全球范围的公用事业机构都需要资金来源进行资本投入,而智能计量作为一项服务,将有助于表计制造企业从公用事业机构获取有吸引力的投资机会。而市场智能表计的飞速部署,则不断着全球AMI市场的增速!

双组份聚氨酯密封胶具优良的耐磨性、低温性,性能可调节范围较大,机械强度大,粘接性好,弹性好,具有优良的复原性,可适合动态接缝和变形缝、伸缩缝。耐候性好,耐油性优良,耐生物老化且价格低廉。 产品施工:
Two component polyurethane sealant has excellent abrasion resistance, low softness, performance can be adjusted in a wide range, high mechanical strength, good adhesion, good elasticity, has excellent resilience, suitable for dynamic deformation joints, expansion joints and seams. Good weather resistance, good oil resistance, aging resistance and low price. Product construction method:
基层处理:被粘面必须进行整齐处理(可用手提切割机,砂轮、钢刷等),使涂胶面牢固的结构层。接缝表面必须保证完全干燥、清洁、无霜。表面所有灰尘和水泥稀浆必须清刷处理干净。金属表面的锈层及保护漆也需除去。如构筑物不干,可用喷灯烘干。表面涂胶前需先涂底涂液。底涂液只需刷涂一薄层,待其表面不粘手后方可涂密封胶嵌缝。(本公司有配套的各种底涂料供给) 使用说明注意事项:
base treatment: the adhesive surface must be handled neatly (portable cutting machine, grinding wheel, steel brush, etc.), so that the surface of the coating is exed to a solid structure layer. The joint surface must be completely dry, clean and frost free. All dust and cement slurry on the surface must be cleaned and cleaned. Rust and protective paint on metal surface also need to be removed. Such structures do not use torch drying. The bottom coat should be painted before coating. Primer only brush a thin layer, the surface is not sticky rear can be coated with sealant. (the company has a variety of bottom coating supply) instructions for use:

First, the building must be dry, clean and free from oil pollution.
Two, before the construction, the bottom coating solution should be applied to the surface, after drying the surface, the two sides of the gap 10mm affixed 50mm wide protective tape, in order to prevent the construction of redundant polysulfide glue to the surface of the structure contaminated.
Three, the box of 1 barrels of white polysulfide glue (A component) and 1 bags of black curing agent (B component) fully stirring, until no color difference so far. A:B=100:8-12 should be ed before use.
Four, the polysulfide sealant with grey knife or glue gun to fill the slot fill the well mixed and compacted, more than 10cm wide rubber scraping putty knife.
Five. After leveling glue, remove the protective tape, and oid water flushing and shower within 24 hours. (dry time less than 24 hours, 7 days before irrigation experiment, 28 days to meet all the performance.)
Six, the prepared polysulfide glue should be used up within two hours, otherwise it will be slowly solidified due to the cream, resulting in construction difficulties, oid waste.

双组份聚硫密封胶系以液态聚硫橡胶为主体材料,配合以粘树脂、硫化剂、促进剂、补强剂等制成的密封胶。此类密封胶具有优良的耐燃油、液压油、水和各种化学性能以及耐热和耐大气老化性能。一般为可硫化型。按组分可分为双组分(或三组分)和单组分型。其加工采用预混-研磨-灌装的工艺。双组份聚硫密封胶是、国内的防水材料。在国外发达中高层建筑均采用聚硫建筑膏的墙体接缝密封。聚硫防水密封膏适用于长期浸水建筑接缝密封 , 与混凝士粘接性能好 , 如 : 地下防水接缝、飞机跑道、贮水污、污水池、地下工程、大型水利工程均采用聚硫密封膏 , 它具有耐老化性、耐久性、气密 性和防水性 , 良好的粘接性的高伸长橡胶形状高弹性体 , 国内现已在部分 大型水库、贮水池、污水池、地下工程 , 已采用本产品 , 深受工程技术人员的好评
The two-component polysulfide sealant is made of liquid polysulfide rubber, which is made of tackifier resin, vulcanizing agent, accelerator, reinforcing agent and so on. This kind of sealant has excellent properties such as fuel oil, hydraulic oil, water and various chemicals, as well as heat resistance and atmospheric aging resistance. Generally curable type. The components can be divided into two components (or three components) and one component type. The process of premixing grinding filling is adopted in the process. Two component polysulfide sealant is the most advanced waterproof material in the world and in china. In foreign developed countries, the high-rise building adopts polysulfide building paste wall joint sealing. Polysulfide sealing paste is suitable for long-term immersion building joint sealing, and concrete bonding performance, such as: waterproof joint, runway, water pollution, sewage pool, engineering, large-scale water conservancy projects adopt polysulfide sealant, it has anti-aging, durability, air tightness and water resistance good adhesion, high elongation rubber shape with high elasticity, has been in the domestic part of large reservoir, storage tank, sewage tank, engineering, has been using this product by engineering and technical personnel.


从1g到4G,主要解决人与人之间的沟通,5g将解决人与人之外的人与物、物与物之间的沟通,即万物互联。近几年5g技术物联网尤其是互联网汽车等产业的迅猛发展,对网络速度有了更高的要求,这无疑成为推动5g网络发展的重要因素。5g时代”百家”2013年2月,欧盟宣布,将拨款5000万欧元,加快5g技术的发展,计划到2020年推出成熟的。而随即5月13日,三星电子有限公司宣布,已成功5g的核心技术,并预计将于2020年开始推向商业化、英国、美国相继报道关于5g的研究动向。其实早在在2013年2月,部、、科技部就联合成立IMT - 2020(5g)推进组,对我国5g愿景与需求、5g频谱问题、5g关键技术、5g化等问题展开研究和布局。以及”十三五”信息化规划提出,到2018年开展5g网络技术研发和工作,加快推进5g技术研究和产业化,推动下一代互联网商用,加强未来网络保障,积极防范未来网络风险。除了层面的研究外,包括三大商、华为、中兴在内的企业都已积极展开5g技术的研发和布局。在2009年,华为就已经展开了相关技术的早期研究,并在之后的几年里向外界展示了5g原型机。美国高通公司亦在12年前就开始了5g的研发投入,并在第三届互联网大会上以实现”万物互联”的5g技术原型入选15项”黑科技”。政策驱动,各国抢跑5g时代。

A two-component polysulfide sealant, with liquid polysulfide rubber as the main agent, adding reinforcing agent, toughening agent, thickening agent, thixotropic agent and other additives processing based paste; metal oxide is configured to sulfide paste, two component mixture of curable sealing material is elastic.
A two-component polysulfide sealant for RTV has self adhesive properties, liquid polysulfide rubber as the base material of two-component building B grade polysulfide sealant and concrete, with caulking sealing ability.
1. two-component polyurethane building sealant is a two component reactive curing type, which consists of two components of A and B. The A component is milky white or light yellow viscous polyurethane prepolymer, and group B as curing agent and additives mixed dehydration black paste or liquid, after curing with elasticity and adhesion of the (A group: B group =10:0.8 ~ 1.2).
2. double component polyurethane sealant for building principle: a two-component polyurethane sealant base processing, must be neat with sticky surface (ailable portable cutting machine, grinding wheel, etc., just brush the glue) with solid structure layer. The joint surface must be completely dry, clean and frost free. All dust and cement slurry on the surface must be cleaned and cleaned. Rust and protective paint on metal surface also need to be removed. Such structures do not use torch drying. Before the first coating porous surface coating primer, primer only need to brush a thin layer, the surface is not sticky rear can be coated with sealant.

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