桥梁伸缩缝作用桥梁伸缩缝作用桥梁伸缩缝规范80 伸缩缝黑脸老者的面容,瞬间恢复了血色。Z80型桥梁伸缩缝中年人一惊,急忙将神识向远处投去。这时,韩立洞府的上空,灵光浮现的越来越多,并渐渐凝聚连成一片起来。一会儿的工夫后,方圆百里内的天空,就出现了一望无际的五色霞光。蓦然一声惊天动地的惊雷凭空响起,整座石山都猛然间晃动一下。随后,一道青光柱从石山之中而出,正好射进了高空的光团之内。巨大光团四周马上阴云密布,风雨雷电交加。光团在阴云中开始一点点的收缩变形,同时五色灵光闪动,越发的刺目耀眼。没有多久,巨大光团在众人惊愕目光中,凝聚成了一团拳头大小的晶莹圆珠。上面蕴含的庞大可怕灵气,让附近观看的修士,个个脸色大变,更加没人敢轻举妄动。同时附近的风雨雷电等天象,瞬间消失不见,一切都恢复了正常。
The bridge expansion joint device is divided into single group bridge expansion joint and modulus (multi group) bridge expansion joint, TST grel elastic expansion joint, plate rubber expansion joint, combined rubber expansion joint. The single group bridge expansion joint is also called D80 expansion joint, the expansion amount is 0-80mm, the product series is divided into five kinds of special-shaped steel; the multi group modulus expansion joint expansion amount is 80-1200mm, which is suitable for the use of large highway bridges. The TST expansion joint has the advantages of smooth running, low cost, good waterproof performance and no jumping trips.
GQF-MZL160 type expansion joint is a new type of highway bridge expansion device with Chinese characteristics. The bridge expansion device is comed of side beam, middle beam, crossbeam, displacement control system, sealing rubber belt and other components.
桥梁伸缩缝鸟形橡胶密封条根据桥宽,整条采用氯丁或三元乙丙橡胶制作,具有良好的耐老化、耐曲挠性能。适应桥梁梁端 水平、横向、竖向变形,伸缩阻力极小。
According to the bridge width, the bird shaped rubber sealing strip of the bridge expansion joint is made of neoprene or three yuan ethylene propylene rubber, which has good aging resistance and bending resistance performance. Adapting to the horizontal, horizontal and vertical deformation of the bridge beam end, the minimum expansion resistance is very small.
桥梁伸缩缝的钢质边梁采用 16Mn 精轧而成,锚固板及Φ16锚固筋具有良好的机械性能。作用于边梁上的车辆冲击力,通过锚固构件均衡的传递到梁体上,有很长的使用寿命。
The steel edge beam of the bridge expansion joint is finished by 16Mn finishing, and the anchoring plate and the 16 anchor bar he good mechanical properties. The vehicle impact force acting on the side beam is balanced to the beam body by the anchor component and has a long service life.
D80 expansion joint is a single group modular expansion joints: GQF-C, GQF-Z, GQF-L, GQF-F, GQF-E type collectively. It is a bridge expansion joint product designed by hot rolled whole shape profiled steel. It is suitable for bridge joints below 80mm.
Bridge expansion joint method and code of the people's Republic of China communications industry standard that is consistent with GQF-C60 method. GQF-F80 and GQF-C60 (NR), GQF-F80 (CR) type of bridge expansion joint as an example, where GQF is the industry standard of traffic bridge expansion joint device code, type code: straight beam connecting rod chain type: (C, Z, F, E, L) said the steel shape, said digital displacement expansion device: 0-80mm. 桥梁伸缩缝作用桥梁伸缩缝作用
Features: 1.TST elastic body directly laid on the bridge joints, and hard pement deck pement formed continuum before and after the bridge level traffic seamless, naturally more smooth and comfortable, no noise, small vibration than other bridge expansion joint, which is convenient for maintenance, cleaning, snow etc.. 2. structure, without setting a special telescoping member and buried anchor bars at the beam end, convenient construction, pement cooling, or driving. 3. elastic joints can absorb the deformation and vibration of all aspects, but high damping, forable for bridge damping, stretching can meet the curved bridge and ramp bridge, skew bridge, wide bridge transverse longitudinal and vertical direction of three and deformation. 4. because of joint and bridge deck pement into one, so sealing waterproof good, and resistance to acid and alkali corrosion. 5. replacing the expansion joint of the old bridge, half of the construction can be carried out, uninterrupted traffic on the busy road section. 6. low cost, durable, less maintenance and replacement, significant economic and ial benefits.
Suitable for: -25 DEG C 60 area, the expansion amount of joint under 50mm highway bridge, city overp, viaduct bridge.
Structural form and size: according to the longitudinal slope of the bridge, divided into two structural forms: type I suitable for longitudinal slope less than 2% of the bridge expansion joint. Type II is suitable for bridge joints with longitudinal slope equal to or greater than 2%, and the difference between them is whether expansion bolts and steel bars are installed.
桥梁伸缩缝作用桥梁伸缩缝作用桥梁伸缩缝规范120梳齿型桥梁伸缩缝的特点:双11战役刚刚落下帷幕,下一场互联网电商大战双12又将到来。然而,已经在前一场战役中拼尽全力的众品牌,面对即将吹响号角的双12,却似乎显得有些松懈。为什么同为促销节点,建材家居企业在双12却往往显现出疲态?双11战绩辉煌却避而不谈双12 11月11日24:00:002016双11全球狂欢节交易额为1207亿元,再次用数字刷新了人们对互联网电商的认识。据悉,今年双11家居企业新招频出。华日家居推出直播销售新打法,塔塔木门也地推出线上、线下全互动,48小时线下门店不打烊的新玩法。在今年住宅家具销售排行榜前十位登榜名单们可以看到,按照排序,林氏木业、全友家居、顾家家居、雅兰旗舰店、华日家居、多喜爱、芝华士、拉菲曼尼旗舰店、光明家具和卫诗理等品牌纷纷上榜。与去年相比,家具品类前十名上榜企业略有变化。