发布时间:2020-09-02 13:16:39 产品编号:GY-5-229141761 分享
Registration information for facilities which produce pet food for exportation to China
"No.序号" " 批准号 Register Number" "生产加工企业名称 Trade Name"
产品用途 Usage of Product 原料 Species/ Raw material
1 2.011.819.590 / PET010 United Petfood Producers NV for dogs and cats meat meal, dried eggs, fish oil, hydrolysed protein, animal fat, cereal grains (and products and by-products), oil seeds and fruits, legume seeds (and products and by-products), products and by-products of tubers and roots, products and by-products of the sugar beet processing industry, minerals, micellaneous
2 / PET009 FIDES PETFOOD dry petfood for dogs and cats meat meal, dried eggs, fish oil, hydrolysed protein,hydrolysed chicken liver, animal fat, cereal grains (and products and by-products), legume seeds (and products and by-products), products and by-products of tubers and roots, products and by-products of the sugar beet processing industry, minerals, other plants their products and by-products, miscellaneous. Species animal products : chicken, pig, horse, lamb, venison, fish
3 2.043.568.779/PET011 Lugi Petfood Production NV dogs and cats Meat and animal by-products (poultry), vegetable by-products, oils (vegetable) and fats (poultry), minerals, inulin, fructo-oligosacharridess
4 2069376521/HN101446 VANROBAEYS GRANEN EN ZADEN Feed for Pigeons Grains and seeds
5 2.092.568.033 / PET012 BK dry pet food for dogs, cats and small animals dried algae, brewer's yeast, cereal grains, egg powder, feather meal, legume seeds, liver=digest=hydrolysed animal protein, meat and bone meal, minerals, oil seeds, other fruits, their products and by-products, other plants, their products and by-products, pork fat, poultry meal, products and by products of cereal grains, products and by-products of oil seeds, products and by-products of the sugar beet processing industry, products and by-products of tubers and roots, salmon meal, salmon oil. Species animal products : chicken, turkey, duck, salmon,crustacea
6 / PET102444 Good !D bvba " treats / biscuits for cats
and dogs" cereals, derivatives of vegetable origin, meat and derivatives of animal origin, oils and fats, egg and egg-by-products. Species animal products : poultry, fish
7 2.023.328.740 / αBE2113 "VERSELE-LAGA
" "Complete dry feed for birds and small animals
" Cereal grains, seeds, soy products, nuts, oil seeds, legume seeds, other fruits, their products and by-products, other plants, their products and by-products, products and by-products of cereal grains, products and by-products of oil seeds, products and by-products of tubers and roots, sugars, vegetable oil, minerals, clay, brewer's yeast, dried algae