批发克鲁勃CONSTANT GL 2000
发布时间:2016-08-08 16:10:05  点击:0
克鲁勃ConSTANT GL 2000

克鲁勃《ConSTANT GL 2000》
Impregnating fluid for sintered metal plain bearings

Product description

ConSTANT GL 2000 is an impregnating fluid based on mineral oil for the low-noise lubrication of sintered metal plain bearings subject to high and low temperatures, speeds (e.g. <0.3 m/s, >5 m/s) and loads (e.g. <0.15 N/mm², >3 N/mm²). Due to the special product formulation and additives it covers a wide range of applications. Its soap content provides low-noise properties and good wear protection. ConSTANT GL 2000 can also be used for the lifetime lubrication of sintered metal plain bearings, also at stop and go.

Benefits for your application

Low noise and smooth running

Longer bearing life due to good oxidation resistance

Energy savings and improved efficiency due to low frictional torque

Improved ageing stability owing to less internally generated heat at high speeds

Lifetime lubrication with high reliability; maintenance-free solution 

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